10 Part Self Credit Repair System
The following plan contains a series of letters you are going to send to the credit bureaus to dispute negative items on your credit report.
Copy & Paste each letter into a word document or your notepad/document of choice. Fill in the underlined information specific to you & the items you would like to dispute.
You will mail these letters in order. You may get deletions early on in the process and you won’t need to go through all 10 parts but you may have to get through all 10 steps. Don’t get discouraged, just keep going!
Remember to wait the appropriate amount of time in between steps.
Send via certified mail and save your confirmations of receipt.
Don’t forget to include copies of you ID & proof of address (utility bill or bank statement)
Make sure to check out the 10 BONUS CREDIT REPAIR TIPS at the end and implement those items ASAP!******
These letters were provided by Alex Graves at The Credit Company
For professional credit repair help contact: The Credit Company
Part 1-Removal of Inaccurate Information
Fill in your information on the letter on the next page to dispute unwanted items on your credit report. Don’t forget to include your electronic signature and a copy of your ID & a recent utility bill. You will need 3 copies of all 3 credit bureaus.
Send the letters to these 3 credit bureaus:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Put a calendar reminder in your phone for 28 days from now. When that 28 days is up, if you got the deletion – GREAT! If not, move on to step 2!
Letter #1 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Credit Bureau Name & Address
Today’s Date
Re: Letter to Remove Inaccurate Credit Information
To Whom It May Concern:
I received a copy of my credit report and found the following item(s) to be in error:
[Creditor/Collector Name, Account Number, Reason, & Instruction]
By the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I demand that these items be investigated and removed from my report. It is my understanding that you will recheck these items with the creditor who has posted them. Please remove any information that the creditor cannot verify. I understand that under 15 U.S.C. Sec 1681i(a), you must complete this investigation within 30 days of the receipt of this letter.
Please send an updated copy of my credit report to the above address. According to the act, there shall be no charge for this updated report. I also request that you please send notices of corrections to anyone who received my credit report in the past six months.
Thank you for your time and help in this matter.
Your Full Name
*Attach copy of ID & Utility Bill (bank statement if you don’t have utility bill)
Part 2-No Response from Credit Bureau
You will only do part 2, IF you DID NOT get a response from the credit bureaus. If you did get a response, skip to part 3.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act states that the credit bureaus and creditors have 30 days to respond to any investigation requests. As we all know, the credit bureaus don’t always want to play by the rules. This is why we have to enforce it with a follow up letter. In this follow up letter we will be notifying the credit bureaus that they have exceeded their 30 day time frame and they have to get back to you. We will also be informing them of the formal complaints we will be filing with the FTC and the CFPB if they do not complete the request in the time that is allotted to them.
It's ok if you don’t fully understand all of this – trust the process and complete the steps and you will get results!
See letter below and fill in your information.
Mail to:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
You will wait another 28 days for a response – set a calendar reminder.
Letter #2 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Credit Bureau Name & Address
Today’s Date
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is a formal complaint that you have ignored my previous request and failed to maintain reasonable procedures in you operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100% accurate credit information and every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct.
Please refer to my previous letter for the information that needs to re-investigated.
[Creditor/Collector Name, Account Number, Reason, & Instruction]
The information must be deleted from my report as soon as possible. The information is inaccurate and misleading and as such represents a very serious error in your reporting.
If the information is not immediately re-investigated and removed, I will be forced to seek legal counsel for relief through the court and file complaints with regulatory enforcement agencies including the CFPB, FTC and my state attorney general.
Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your re-investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within fifteen (15) days of the completion of your investigation.
Sincerely yours,
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
Part 3- Item was Verified by the Credit Bureaus
The purpose of part 3 is for those of you who received a verification back in the mail from the credit bureaus. Most people quit here – keep going!
Now we are going to be requesting the method of verification. This is your right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act!! Just because they told us it’s verified, doesn’t mean it’s game over.
We are going to be sending another letter to the credit bureaus requesting verification of the method used to verify. Under Section 611 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the consumer has the right to request an explanation on how they verified that item.
See the round 3 letter on the next page.
Mail to:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
You will wait another 28 days for a response – set a calendar reminder.
Letter #3 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Credit Bureau Name & Address
Today’s Date
Attn: Customer Relations Department
To Whom It May Concern,
I am in total disagreement with your investigation response. The incorrect items listed below still appear on my credit report, even after your investigation. I would like these items immediately re-investigated and for good cause. These inaccuracies, are highly injurious to my credit rating.
[Creditor/Collector Name, Account Number, Reason, & Instruction]
Furthermore, in accordance with The Fair Credit Reporting Act, Public law 91-506, Title VI, Section 611, I demand that you provide actual proof the information was verified, not a computer generated confirmation.
Please provide:
The names and business addresses of each individual with whom you verified the information with above, so that I may follow up.
The creditors addresses and telephone number.
The date you contacted the individual furnishers of information.
The method of communication you used to verify the information.
The documentation used to verify the dispute.
I would also like to know if the furnisher provided you with my SSN, address or DOB.
Please forward an updated credit report to me after you have completed your investigation and corrections.
Your cooperation and prompt attention are required by law.
Sincerely yours,
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
Part 4- Direct to Creditor/Collector
Just like in part 1, we are going to be sending an investigation letter directly to the creditor or collector that is reporting the negative item, instead of the credit bureaus. Most of the time people get their desired results in steps 1-3 but if you haven’t so far, this is a really good new perspective on sending letters directly to the companies reporting that data.
Mail to:
**Look up the mailing addresses of the collector/creditor reporting the negative item and mail letter to that address.
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Set a calendar reminder for 28 days and then move onto the next step!
Letter #4 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Creditor or Collector Name & Address
Today’s Date
Re: Remove Inaccurate Information from my Credit Reports.
To Whom It May Concern,
I received a copy of my credit report and found you are reporting incorrect information to the credit bureaus.
Here are the errors:
[Creditor/Collector Name, Account Number, Reason, & Instruction]
Under federal law, as a furnisher of information to consumer reporting agencies, you must conduct a reasonable investigation of my dispute and you must complete this investigation withing 30 days of receipt of this letter. I demand that this information be investigated and either verified or removed from my report. Please send me confirmation the information has been removed from my credit files.
Thank you for your time and help in this matter.
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
Part 5- No Response from Creditor/Collector
This part is for those of you who DID NOT get a response from the creditor/collector you sent your letter to in part 4. This is a violation of the 30 day rule that they have under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to give you a response. This is definitely grounds for deletion so this next letter should do the trick for this debt. See letter on next page.
Mail to:
**Look up the mailing addresses of the collector/creditor reporting the negative item and mail letter to that address.
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Set a calendar reminder for 28 days from now. If you got the deletion, GREAT! If not, move on to step 6.
Letter #5 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Creditor or Collector Name & Address
Today’s Date
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is a formal complaint that you have reported inaccurate and incomplete credit information to the credit bureaus.
Federal laws require furnishers of information to report accurate credit information to the credit bureaus and in this case, you have failed to do so. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. I disputed the following information over 30 days ago and you have not yet responded:
[Creditor/Collector Name, Account Number, Reason, & Instruction]
This inaccurate information must be deleted from my credit file immediately. Please contact the credit agencies you have reported it to and remove this misleading information from my credit profile.
Under federal law, you must complete your re-investigation in a timely manner. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provide within fifteen (15) day of the completion of your investigation.
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
Part 6- Item was Verified by Creditor/Collector
If you received verification from the Part 4 letter from the creditor or credit bureau that you disputed an item with, you are going to use this step. There’s a law under the Fair Credit Reporting Act that states that we are allowed as the consumer to request the method of verification if they do come back and verify our dispute.
So far,
We have disputed an item.
They have verified it.
AND NOW – We demand they tell us HOW they verified it.
This letter below will request the validation of how they came to the conclusion that the debt was verified. Under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, we as consumers have the right to request the items you will see on this letter.
Mail to:
**Look up the mailing addresses of the collector/creditor reporting the negative item and mail letter to that address.
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Set a 28 day reminder. You will either get the deletion – (YAY!) or you will need to move on to Part 7.
Letter # 6 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Credit Bureau Name & Address
Today’s Date
ATTN: Customer Relations Department
To Whom It May Concern,
I am in total disagreement with your investigation response. The incorrect items listed below still appear on my credit report, even after your investigation. I would like these items immediate re-investigated and for good cause. These inaccuracies are highly injurious to my credit rating.
[Creditor/Collector Name, Account Number, Reason, & Instruction]
Furthermore, in accordance with The Fair Credit Reporting Act, Public Law 91-506, Title VI, Section 611, Subsection A-D, I demand you provide actual proof the information was verified, not a computer generated confirmation.
Please provide:
The names and business addresses of each individual with whom you verified the information above, so that I may follow up.
The creditors address and telephone number.
The date you contacted the individual furnishers of information.
The method of communicated you used to verify the information.
The documentation uses to verify the dispute.
I would also like to know if the furnisher provided you with my SSN, address or DOB.
Please forward an updated credit report to me after you have completed your investigation and corrections.
Your cooperation and prompt attention are required by law.
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
Part 7- Estoppel by Silence
This letter in step 7 is directly for debt collectors that are reporting derogatory items to your credit report. This is similar to the no-response letter from step 5.
The legal term for this letter is called, Estoppel by Silence. It’s basically, where these debt collectors that do not respond to you, are in agreement with you that the disputed item is inaccurate or incorrect because they did not respond to you withing the allotted 30 days.
See the letter we are going to send below.
Mail to:
**Look up the mailing addresses of the collector/creditor reporting the negative item and mail letter to that address.
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Set a 28 day calendar reminder and check your credit report. If the item was not deleted, move on to part 8.
Letter #7 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Credit Bureau Name & Address
Today’s Date
Creditor Name & Address
RE: Account Number [account number]
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to formally advise you that I believe your company has violated several of my consumer rights. Specifically, you failed to validate a debt at my request, which is a FDCPA violation and you continued to report a disputed debt to the credit bureaus: another FCRA violation. Not only have you ignored my prior requests for validation of debt (proof attached: (receipt copies or letter copies) but you continue to report this debt to the credit bureaus causing damage to my character.
This letter will again request that you follow the FDCPA and please provide the following validation of debt requests:
Proof of your right to own/collect this alleged debt
Balance claimed including all fees, interest, and penalties
Contract bearing my personal signature
As you may be aware, “Estoppel by Silence” legally means that you had a duty to speak but failed to do so therefore, that must mean you agree with me that this debt is false. I will use the Estoppel in my defense.
I expect to receive the proof requested above within 15 days of this letter. Should you again ignore my request for validation of debt I reserve the right to sue your company for violations of my consumer rights as specified under both the FDCPA and the FCRA. I may also seek damages from you if warranted.
Kind Regards,
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
Part 8- Medical Collections
This letter is specifically on medical collections. Due to HIPPA laws, we can use this letter for easy deletions on medical items if a debt collector has obtained any medically sensitive information on your file. HIPPA Laws protect your medical history rights, they have to delete the item if this is the case. The next letter will expose that law to the collector to get this item removed.
Mail to:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Set a 28 calendar reminder, if the item has been deleted – awesome! If not, move onto part 9.
Letter #8 -
Your full name
Last 4 of SSN
Collectors Name
Collectors Full Address
Amount of debt: Date of Service: Provider of Service:
To Whom It May Concern,
I received a bill from you on [insert date] and as allowable under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, I am requesting validation of the alleged debt. I am aware that there is a debt from [name of doctor, hospital, clinic, etc] but I am unaware of the amount due and your bill does not include a detailed breakdown of any fees.
Furthermore, I al allowed under the HIPPA law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) to protect my privacy and medical records from third parties. I do not recall giving permission to [name of provider] for them to release my medical information to a third party. I under that that the HIPPA does allow for limited information about me but any details my only be revealed with the patients authorization, therefore my request is twofold and as follows:
Validation of Debt and HIPPA authorization
Please provide a breakdown of fees, including any, and all collection costs and medical charges
Please provide a copy of my signature with the provider of service to release my medical information to you
Immediately cease any credit bureau reporting until debt has been validated by me
Please send this information to my address listed above and accept this letter, sent certified mail, as my formal debt validation request, of which I am allowed under the FDCPA.
Please note that withholding the information you received from any medical provider in an attempt to be HIPPA compliant will be a violation of the FDCPA because you will be deceiving me after my written request. I am requesting full documentation of what you received from the provider of service in connection with this alleged debt.
Furthermore, any reporting of this debt to the credit bureaus prior to allowing me to validate it may be a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which can allow me to seek damages from a collection agent.
I await your reply with the above requested proof. Upon reviewing it, I will correspond back with you by certified mail.
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
Part 9- E-Oscar Hack
This is the E-Oscar letter. E-Oscar is a digital optical character recognition system used by the credit bureaus to automatically scan your dispute letter and generate a 2-digit code which files them into a process to make the disputing process more efficient for the company. E-Oscar is basically a computer that looks at your letters and tells the dispute process what to do with them. With this process, they have some flaws. One of the flaws E-Oscar has, is that it cannot understand different fonts, colors, or handwritten notes. This is important because the next letter will confuse E-Oscar and force a manual review by a real person. When this happens you have a much higher likelihood of getting the deletion because you are getting around the E-Oscar system, which is what causes most people not to have success with their credit repair.
Mail to:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Set a 28 calendar reminder, if the item has been deleted – awesome! If not, move onto part 10.
Letter # 9 -
Retype the following letter and try to match the fonts and colors as closely as you can.

Part 10- Metro 2 Challenge
Metro 2 is the code or language the credit bureaus and credit furnishers need to use to report data to your credit report. If the credit bureaus and credit furnishers fail to use the specific code or format required, we can challenge the reportability of them disputed item. Is it compliant? Does it meet the standards? Very often they are not.
Mail to:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Letter # 10 -
Your Full Name
Last 4 of SSN & DOB
Credit Bureau Name & Address
Amount of debt: Date of Service: Provider of Service:
To Whom it May Concern,
I recently reviewed my credit profile and noticed inaccuracies and/or incomplete information, and accounts that are Un-Verified. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Sec 611 (5)(A) of the FCRA – you are required to DELETE all information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or which cannot be verified.
It is also my understanding that Under the FCRA 15 U.S.C. § 1681i, every single one even each any or all of the unproven, non-compliant, incomplete, untrue, incorrect, and or unverified aspects of any alleged derogatory accounts must be promptly negated in its entirety or the alleged accounts are to be completely deleted.
I AM NOW ENACTING MY CONSUMER AND CIVIL RIGHTS TO COMPEL YOU TO ANNUL with PERMANENT DELETETION of these derogatory accounts or provide testimony and certification that you are adhering to mandated Metro 2 data formatted reporting standards according to regulations.
The FOLLOWING derogatory accounts allegations are either UNTRUE, UNVERIFIED, INCORRECT, INCOMPLETE, UNTIMELY, NOT MINE, NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY, or otherwise, NOT PROVEN COMPLIANT to regulatory federal reporting laws and or standards and MUST be removed immediately. Do so TODAY, even right NOW! The obvious infractions are as follows:
Alleging creditor and Account as is reported on my credit report:
By the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and per standards of reporting compliance implemented with the CRSA enacted CDIA Metro 2 COMPLIANCE regulations, I demand that these above mentions derogatory items be investigated and permanently removed from my report.
I await your reply with the above requested proof. Upon receiving it, I will correspond back with you by certified mail.
Your Full Name
*Attach a copy of ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement if you don’t have a utility bill)
BONUS: 10 Credit Repair Tips
1. This is the fastest way to increase credit score without sending in dispute letters or paying any money - Become an authorized user on somebody’s card with good credit and payment history. This allows you to participate in their positive payment history and it’s going to boost your score. Ask a family member or friend to add you as an authorized user on their card. They can do this without giving you a card so they don’t have to worry about you having access to spending on that account.
2. Have your monthly rental payments applied to your credit to show positive payment history. You can go back and report 2 years’ worth of rental payments. You can do this at – www.Credit4renting.com . This is a great way to get a boost on your credit score and you should see the changes withing 30-45 days!
3. If you have a collection account with a company called “Portfolio Recover Associates” they typically buy your debt for 10%-15% of the balance. If you owe $5,000, they likely paid $500-$750 for it. This company, Portfolio Recover Associates, accepts pay for deletes. That means, they are willing to completely remove the debt from your credit once paid in full. Offer slightly above what they paid for it and they are likely to accept the offer and delete it from your credit to boost your score up.
4. Call and find out when your credit card issuer reports your balance to the credit bureaus. It is often the last day of the billing cycle but you will need to verify (different from the due date). You will want to pay off your balance before the reporting date so that it does not negatively impact your credit score. This helps keep your credit utilization ratio low.
Your credit utilization ratio is the amount of credit you’ve used compared to what you have available to you. Let’s say you’ve spent $2,500 on a card with an available balance of $5,000. You’ve used 50% of the available credit. The best ratio to have is less than 30% but the BEST ratio to have is under 10%!!! If you have multiple cards, average out all credit utilization ratios and ensure it’s under 30%.
5. Be clever about how you pay off your debt. FICO scores look at each card’s individual ratio. So start paying down your card with the highest credit utilization ratio to get that percentage down.
Also consider paying off the highest interest rates and/or newest credit accounts.
6. Opening a new credit card can help by giving you more available credit overall which lowers the credit utilization ratio. This will only work if you do not add on extra spending.
7. Pay twice a month – make payment 2 weeks before the closing date and then another payment just before the closing date.
8. If you can be responsible and not overspend, try raising your credit limits. If you can get a higher credit limit, this will lower your overall credit utilization ratio. This will only work if you do not use your new available credit.
Do not do this if you don’t pay your bill off in full or if you have missed payments. This could result in a getting your credit limit lowered because it will look like you NEED more available credit.
9. Be sure to keep old credit cards open when you pay them off. This helps you establish a long credit history, which is 15% of your score.
10. If a collection is reporting a past due balance, then it is reporting incorrectly. Under Metro 2 guidelines, it must be deleted. See the letter on the next page to get it removed. Send to all 3 bureaus with a copy of your ID & Utility Bill (or bank statement or prove address)
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. BOX 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
P.O. Box 4500
Aleen, TX 75013
Transunion LLC Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Bonus Letter -
Your Full Name
Last 4 of SSN
Credit Bureau Address
To Whom it May Concern,
I recently received a copy of my credit report and found that you are illegally reporting inaccurate and false information about me. The following alleged account is listed as a Collections with a PAST DUE BALANCE of $______.
Account Name, Number, and Description
This is a violation of the FCRA and is also in violation of the requisite Metro 2 Compliant Reporting Standards.
According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act I have the right to a fair and accurate credit report, and you are required to remove any information that is not true, accurate and verifiable.
Please remove this inaccurate account information immediately from my credit report and send me the updated report showing your compliance with all FCRA laws and Metro 2 Reporting Standards as well as this account removed.
Your Full Name
Attach copy of ID and Utility Bill (bank statement if you don’t have utility bill)